Vinpocetine 20 mg. 120's
Vinpocetine 20 mg. 120's
Vinpocetine 20 mg. 120's
Vinpocetine 20 mg. 120's
Vinpocetine 20 mg. 120's
Vinpocetine 20 mg. 120's
Vinpocetine 20 mg. 120's

Vinpocetine 20 mg. 120's

Regular price $53.80 Sale price$47.88 Save $5.92
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Vinpocetine is an alkaloid synthesized from vincamine, a natural compound extracted from the leaves of periwinkle (Vinca minor L) which was first developed in Europe over 20 years ago. Vinpocetine is absorbed in the small intestine and then processed in the liver. Once in systemic circulation, vinpocetine is absorbed by tissues in the body and crosses the blood brain barrier. Studies have reported that vinpocetine may provide neuroprotection via its antioxidant properties. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 84 elderly subjects were given vinpocetine or a placebo over a period of 90 days. Results indicated that those supplementing with vinpocetine experienced support for cognitive function. An additional placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial of 203 individuals also suggested that vinpocetine significantly supported cognition. Vinpocetine has the potential to support healthy memory, as indicated by a randomized, double-blind, crossover study.

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